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Hunt Success… MP Skywarp Found!

November 19th, 2009

In an earlier post, I mentioned I am on the hunt for Masterpiece Skywarp. Today around noon I finally found him at the Walmart near my work. There are like 34 sightings on Seibertron by now. I don’t know why Northern California is so slow to get these, but I’m just glad I didn’t miss out on a US Masterpiece Edition. There were close to 2 dozen units of these in the store. The best part… only $55! Everyone else reported $60 so I’m getting a $5 break. Any savings is better than none.

Overall, he is packaged very similar to how MP Starscream was packaged. Check out the pics.

Looks great from the front.

I love the side artwork.

Conversion Level is only 3?! WTF?! All MPs should automatically be 4.

I’m very happy with this find. Another great TF to my collection.

TransFans, get him before he teleports off the shelf. Transform and Roll Out!

Teletraan I Communiques

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics
  1. November 20th, 2009 at 06:10 | #1

    Hooray, thanks for picking one up for me. I can’t wait to get this. Too true about the rating. It’s got to be a 4 for all masterpieces.

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