
Archive for January, 2016

Michael Bay Is Back for Transformers 5

January 5th, 2016 Comments off

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a good 2015 and is looking forward to 2016.

A bit of sad news to start the new year though… Michael Bay is back for Transformers 5. 🙁 Can’t say I’m surprised, though still not happy.

About a year ago, I ranted about how I want a new director for TF5. I proposed Justin Lin back in that post, which some of you might have snickered at when you read it. Well now he’s off to doing the next Star Trek! So there! I knew he had potential. But anyways, Bay said he would be done after 3. And now he’s back for 5?!!! WTF?!!!

I’ll let some tweets tell it like it is.

Transform and Roll Out.

Categories: TF News