Happy St Patrick’s Day! My Green Transformers
Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone! To honor this holiday I decided to take pics of my green color Transformers. I didn’t think there would be that many green robots, but after looking through my TF List, there turned out to be more than I thought.
Below are the TFs that would never get pinched on St Patrick’s Day. I know this post is dated 3/18, but that’s only because I left my time zone settings at default on WordPress, which is like 7 hours ahead of Pacific Time. Here in California it is still 3/17.
The Autobots
Bottom row: Animated Bulkhead. Middle row (left to right): Movie Ratchet, G1 Hoist, Movie Highbrow, Movie Dune Runner, Alternator Hound. Top row (left to right): Universe Air Raid, Botcon Springer, Warbot Defender, Universe Hound.
The Decepticons
Front row (left to right): Movie Hailstorm, Robots in Disguise Rollbar, Movie Brawl, Movie Bludgeon, Universe Brawl. Top row (left to right): Robots in Disguise Mega-Octane, Animated Oil Slick, Animated Waspinator, Universe Acid Storm.
Today was also the start of March Madness. This is my favorite weekend as far as sports go. 16 games today, 16 more tomorrow, and 16 more over the weekend… I can barely contain myself!
There were some very close college basketball games today. I did my undergrad at UCLA so of course I was happy to see them beat Michigan St. UCLA was up by 23 points with about 8 minutes left in the game, so naturally I thought this one was all wrapped up. But by a weird combination of the Spartans making 3s and getting offensive rebounds and the Bruins not making their free throws, Michigan St. made of game of it down the stretch. In the end UCLA barely survived 78-76. I’m happy for the win, but the Bruins can’t continue this kind of sloppy play if they hope to have any kind of chance against Florida next round (who knocked them out of both 06 and 07 tournaments).
Go UCLA! Bruins… Transform and Roll Out!
Hey man you live in LA be4?
I am living in LA now but too bad since I did my undergrad in USC.
So we are enemy like you are Prime and I am Devastator~!
yep I lived in LA for a long time before moving up to the Bay area.
So you went to USC? hahaha that’s cool. we are school and TF rivals 🙂
Are you planning on going to Botcon? I will be there!
I may go on weekends for general admin. since I am not interested in those animated stunticons,and the custom class got sold out so quick ><
I’m actually kinda interested in the animated stunticons, but I don’t know how much they cost or what is the process to get one. I heard there were only 80 spots for the custom class 🙁 I’ll be there on weekends only. Love Pasadena and had a blast in 09!
Are you a TFCC member? the Stunticons package are sold out now. I was at work and can’t go to their website at the day the registration begin, when Iback home around 7, the custom class are already sold out ><
hmm… so you have to be TFCC member to get them? oh well if they’re sold out, so be it. I want new Stunticon figures in the CHUG line that really combine!
YA What a shame they can’t comebine。
And no you dun’t need a TFCC membership to buy them. What you need is to buy the expensive package from them which is about 365 for non members, 315 for members.