Team Prime: Robots in Disguise Figures
I’ve been watching Transformers Prime Season 1 on Blu-ray. I finally finished the set sometime last week, and let me just say that this is an awesome show! This might be my favorite Transformers series, next to G1. If you’re a TransFan and you have not been watching, it’s time to get with the program! Plenty of fan uploads on YouTube. But for the best HD quality, go out and get the Blu-ray like I did.
Anyway, the core 5 Autobots featured in Transformers Prime are Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet, and Bulkhead. This group stationed on Earth is often referred to as Team Prime. Last week I found Robots in Disguise Voyager Bulkhead, which completes my Team Prime Autobots in the RID line. Below are pics of them as a group. For reasons that elude me, RID Voyagers are called Powerizers and RID Deluxes are called Revealers. Hasbro needs to stop it with all these terms.
I recommend all of these figures. Yeah I know that there are plenty of TransFans out there that would recommend the First Edition figures over these. For the most part I would as well, based on what I’ve seen. But that doesn’t mean the RID figures are bad by any means. If you’re not willing to shell out the money for overpriced FE figures, then these are very good substitutes. Actually, for Bumblebee and Arcee, I would not say that the FE figures are hands down better. RID versions of these 2 characters have their pros too. To this date I still have not opened my FE Optimus, and I just ordered FE Bulkhead on eBay, so I’ll reserve my thoughts for the Voyagers until I open them. And as far as I know, there is not a FE Ratchet.
After FE Bulkhead arrives, I’ll do group shot of the FE Team Prime (but still using RID Ratchet). Transform and Roll Out!