Transformers Purchased in January 2014
Continuing with the tradition of this blog, I will still document what I am buying each month. I am now back-posting what I bought per month since the start of 2014.
- Mastermind Creations Fortis,, $89.99
- Generations Thrilling 30 Dreading, Target, $17.99
- FansProject Diesel,, $119.95
I have opened all of these. Fortis (not Headstrong) is almost exactly like Bovis, which I was not expecting. I thought MMC would do more to distinguish between the 2 figures which forms the legs of Predaking. Dreadwing is a redeco of Generations Thrilling 30 Megatron. Only differences between these 2 figs are the paint job and the head mold.
Diesel (not Motormaster) is a complicated piece to say the least. He’s packaged in truck mode like you see in the pic above. In the pics below, I have him transformed to his robot mode, with and without armor.
And for course the real reason we hardcore collectors all get this figure is so we can form the mighty Intimidator (not Menasor)!
Intimidator looks totally kick-ass when combined! The limb components were bought in March and August of last year.
So that’s 3 figures for the month, two 3rd party figs and one generations figs. Not a bad way to start the new year.
Transform and Roll Out!
Congratulations for posting back, which I like to see in this blog are the group photographs
Greetings from Bolivia