Titans Return Trypticon
OMG! News recently broke that Hasbro will release a new Trypticon figure in the Titans Return line! The Decepticons now finally have a city-sized bot to counter Metroplex. Early pics look nothing short of spectacular! Check it out for yourself.
Dino Mode
City Mode
Spaceship Mode
MSRP will be $149.99. Planned release is Fall 2017. I can’t wait!
Based on early pics, it’s nice to see that this new figure is so G1 accurate. The Dino mode and City mode are pure G1 homages, but updated to modern standards. I’m really diggin’ that new spaceship mode too. Modern G1 origin stories portray Trypticon as capable of space travel. In Fall of Cybertron, Trypticon was permanently reformatted to be Nemesis. So the spaceship mode makes perfect sense.
However, I always felt that, if Trypticon was gonna trans-scan to have an Earth mode, then one of his modes should be an aircraft carrier! Think about it. He would definitely have the size for it. And with all the Decepticon planes that make up the bulk of their army, having all these jets land on the carrier would be way too cool. Maybe a third party will attempt this.
Click here for more details.
Decepticons… Transform and Roll Out!