
Posts Tagged ‘Boat’

Nice Boat… Top 10 TF Boats

February 3rd, 2010 2 comments

This morning I was shooting the bull with my coworkers around the water cooler, and we got on the subject of talking about boats. One guy here in the office is big on boating and we will probably all go out to his place and chill on the river this upcoming summer.

But this gets me thinking… what are some Transformer boats? I couldn’t think of that many. The boat is a very scarcely used alt mode in the TF universe. I’m not sure why that is. I’m no toy designer, but a boat TF does not seem like it would be difficult to design. There are boatloads of cars and jets already (pun intended). Sea vehicles, such as battleships, tankers, and cruise liners, would be very refreshing additions.

As it currently stands, there are only a handful of boats in the TF universe, and I will do them justice by listing them in a top 10 list. I’m being very generous with the definition here. For this listing, a boat is any vehicle that primarily traverses on or under water. And even with such a broad definition, coming up with 10 TFs was difficult. So this is basically a list of 10 TFs that transform into watercrafts.

10. Submarauder
Series: G1
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Pretender
Function: Undersea Warfare
Boat Alt Mode: Cybertronian Submarine

I tried to leave Pretenders off this list, I really did. I’ve ranted about how lame they are. But I ran out of boats and I needed one more to round out a top 10. Believe it or not, there are quite a few sea vehicles in the Pretender line. Why did I choose Submarauder? Because he has a submarine alt mode, which is unique to this list.

9. Quickswitch
Series: G1
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: Six Changer
Function: Assault Warrior
Boat Alt Mode: Cybertronian Hovercraft

The first Autobot Six Changer, Quickswitch makes this list because he does have a hovercraft mode. I never really liked this guy’s toy, probably because he’s got a lame looking robot mode and a questionable color scheme.

8. Seawatch
Series: G1
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: Micromaster Rescue Patrol
Function: Search and Rescue
Boat Alt Mode: Hydrofoil

As part of the Micromaster Rescue Patrol, Seawatch is dedicated to protecting the sea environments and stopping oceanic misdeeds, such as polluting and poaching. A little known fact is that Seawatch loves to watch “Baywatch”. He has petitioned numerous times to change his name to Baywatch but Optimus would not have it.

7. Manta Ray
Series: G2
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: Rotor Force
Function: ???
Boat Alt Mode: Racing Boat

The only G2 character on this list, Manta Ray is one of the first original G2 characters (as in not a G1 repaint). Hasbro picked a really good alt mode here and was daring enough to try something different from G1. Rotor Force figures have a gimmick where the rotor can be launched as a spinning disc, the perfect toy for another boring office meeting.

6. Thunderblast
Series: Cybertron
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: None
Function: Aggressive Oceanic Soldier
Boat Alt Mode: Cybertronian Attack Boat

As one of the very few female Decepticons, Thunderblast knows how to manipulate weak-minded TFs of the male variety. She uses her sexy fembot mode and her sexy boat mode to get what she wants. Horny Decepticons are usually too willing to oblige.

5. Dreadwing
Series: Energon
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: None
Function: ???
Boat Alt Mode: Cybertronian Gun Boat

Dreadwing’s toy looks extremely cool. This is the kind of boat figures I envision Hasbro releasing in the Classics line. I might hunt down this figure if I can fine one at a reasonable price.

4. Mirage
Series: Energon
Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: None
Function: ???
Boat Alt Mode: Cybertronian Gun Boat

Not to be confused with G1 Mirage, this figure and Dreadwing (see above) are redecos of each other. However, I think Mirage came first and so he’s ranked higher on this list. Mirage also seems to have a fair amount of screen time in the Energon Animated series and I think his original name was Tidal Wave. I can’t find Function listings for Energon characters. I guess they do whatever they please.

3. Depthcharge
Series: ROTF
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: None
Function: ???
Boat Alt Mode: Stealth Boat

Depthcharge is a scout class figure from the ROTF line. ROTF figures generally do not have their functions listed in their bio on the back of the box (I’m beginning to think Functions are a G1-only thing). I’m not sure if Depthcharge has an appearance in the film. Actually, I’m not sure he as an appearance anywhere. This Depthcharge (spelled as one word) is not to be confused with Depth Charge of Beast Wars lore. Similarly, HsunamiPrime is not to be confused with Hsunami Prime.

2. Broadside
Series: G1
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: Triple Changer
Function: Air/Sea Assault
Boat Alt Mode: Aircraft Carrier

Broadside is perhaps the only aircraft carrier in TF history. As one of the few Autobot Triple Changers, Broadside also has a jet mode. In G1 Animated and some Dreamweave renditions, he is depicted as being very large, which makes sense. I think an aircraft carrier would better suit the Decepticons since they have an air force worthy of it. I would love to see Broadside remade in the Classics line as an Ultra Class Triple Changer. Hasbro will probably never do it, because they are allergic to good ideas.

1. Seaspray
Series: G1
Allegiance: Autobot
Sub-Group: None
Function: Naval Defense
Boat Alt Mode: Hovercraft

Arguably the most famous TF on this list, Seaspray made his debut in Season 2 of the G1 Animated series and is the first bot in TF history to have a water-based alt mode. His most notable appearance was in the episode “Sea Change”, and his peculiar way of speaking has won the hearts of women everywhere (ok maybe not, but Alana digs it). It appears he has a toy in the Classics line planned for later this year. I’ve ranted before about how they better not forget Seaspray in the Classics line and it looks like my prayers are answered. 🙂

Nice Boats! Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: Top Ten