
Posts Tagged ‘SDCC’

More Toys! Blaster Pre-Order

July 31st, 2010 Comments off

In my last post I went into some TF pre-orders I made recently. This week I added another one.

G1 Blaster by Hasbro, SDCC and HasbroToyShop Exclusive

There are always exclusive figures released for the SDCC. And this year is no exception. Hasbro has certainly embraced this trend and in recent years they have been releasing TF figures where they first become available at the SDCC. Sometimes they don’t sell out and you can find them later on, online vendors, or other conventions. But sometimes they are quite rare and buying them later comes with a significant markup. I haven’t been to a single SDCC but I have many of its exclusive TFs, including Alternator Nemesis Prime, Titanium Menasor, Alternator Rodimus, and Classic 2.0 Soundwave with 4 Mini-Cassettes. Nemesis Prime I got at AX 07, Menasor came from HasbroToyShop, and Rodimus was acquired for me by a friend that went to SDCC 2007. As for Soundwave, he was also available from HasbroToyShop right after SDCC 2009, but he sold out very quickly so I missed my chance. Fortunately for me I won an ebay auction sometime later for about the same price. But I was not about to make the same mistake with Blaster, this year’s SDCC exclusive TF. SDCC ended last Sunday and Hasbro put him up for sale on HasbroToyShop this week. As soon as I found out, I pre-ordered one. He also comes with 4 Mini-Cassettes like 2009 Soundwave. But as far as I know, there has never been a re-issue for Blaster or any of his cassettes in the United States. This is indeed special. My purchase was absolutely required. I’ve played with the toy when I was a kid. He’s not bad. Blaster is much bigger than Soundwave. As of this writing, he is still available from HasbroToyShop. Miss out and you’d be feelin’ the Blaster Blues.

That’s it for now… Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: On The Hunt, TF News