
Posts Tagged ‘Slingshot’

Transformers Purchased in May 2015

July 15th, 2016 Comments off

May of 2015 continues with more Combiner Wars, and one unexpected finding.

  • Combiner Wars Brake-Neck,, $16.99

  • Combiner Wars Quickslinger,, $16.99

  • Generations Scourge, Target, $17.09

I ranted before in previous posts about how it’s so lame that Hasbro don’t release all Aeiralbots or Stunticons in a single wave. And how they are adding new unheard of Aeiralbot or Stunticon characters, which replaces the legendary G1 characters that hardcore fans like myself would demand for. Hasbro has heard your screams and appropriately released the two Combiner Wars figs here. Seeing as they are for the hardcore fans, they came out as a limited release, a shared exclusive between Amazon and some of the bigger 3rd party dealers devoted to TFs. If you’re reading this blog, then you must know that Brake-Neck is really Wildrider, and Quickslinger is really Slingshot. Now with these 2, you can complete your Aeiralbots or Stunticons in full G1 glory. Brake-Neck is pretty much just a repaint of Dead End with a different head mold, while Quickslinger a repaint of Firefly. So I won’t go into them too much. Hasbro probably decided to go with the new characters (Offroad and Alpha Bravo) to minimize repaints. That’s probably a good decision for the general public, now that I think about it. But for hardcore G1 guys like me, getting Brake-Neck and Quickslinger is still a must.

The only other purchase this month is… drum roll please… Generations Scourge! When I saw this on the shelf, I was like WTF?!?!?! This figure was released all the way back in 2011. So what in Primus’s name is this figure doing on the shelf in 2015? I don’t know. Maybe they had an extra one in the back storeroom all this time that was left unsold. Or maybe someone returned one back to Target, after about 4 years. We may never know what really happened here. But I was pleasantly awestruck as to finding another Scourge, so I bought it. I may already have 3 of these, but one more wouldn’t hurt to add to my Sweep army. Oh, this was found at a Target in an expensive area where they always have a markup for unnecessary goods such as toys. Oh well.

This was a light month, only 3 figs. That’s a good thing. A little break from the TF madness that will ensue in the later months.

Transform and Roll Out.

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics