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Hunt Success… ROTF Dirge Found!

December 22nd, 2009

Today after work I decided to visit Toys R Us. I’m not entirely sure why I decided to go. It might have been that I have not visited any stores for TFs since I found MP Skywarp, and I was suffering from TF hunting withdrawals. Or maybe because I did most of my Christmas shopping online this year, that I actually missed doing some good old-fashioned physical in-store shopping with the crowds of other xmas shoppers to better get me into the holiday spirit. Or maybe because I knew that ROTF Dirge was recently released, and my TF sense was tingling.

Whatever the reason, I’m glad I stopped by TRU. The Thrust figure from the ROTF line is very impressive, so Dirge is another one I looked forward to. I knew that other fans have spotted him for a while now. As of this writing, there are 12 sightings on Seibertron. I’ve also read other WordPress blogs that reviewed Dirge already. So you could say I had feeling I would find him soon. After I fought my way to the TF aisle, I saw that Dirge was indeed on the shelves.

Check out the pics below. Dirge looks like some kind of VTOL type fighter jet. I think this might better fit Ramjet, but it works for Dirge too.

His G1 motto is “Fear is the element that unites all losers”. And his courage is 2?! I guess he must be talking about himself.

I will open this figure soon and give it a proper review. Stay tuned… Transform and Roll Out!

Teletraan I Communiques

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics
  1. December 22nd, 2009 at 19:32 | #1

    Nice! Thanks for grabbing me one bro. The production colors aren’t bad at all and looks very close to the press release colors.

  2. December 23rd, 2009 at 17:31 | #2

    dude, I opened Dirge last nite. Very impressed! I’m lovin this mold. he’s just as good as Thrust. I’m having a hard time deciding who is better. Look for a full review soon…

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