My KO Constructicons
Once again I’m back home. In anticipation of the upcoming Encore reissue Constructicons, I decided to dig out my knock off Constructicons from back in the mid 80s. These are supposed to be knock offs of the original Diaclone toys, that’s why they’re red and yellow.
In alt form they’re in pretty good shape. I didn’t put the accessories on any of these since I think they look better without them.
In robot mode they began to show their age. Left arm on Mixmaster is broken so I left it at the side. Right leg on Hook is broken at the knee, though you can’t tell from the pic. They show some sticker wear but overall not too bad, unlike my G1 Combaticons where all the stickers are in bad shape. My favorite of these is Bonecrusher. I like his transformation the best. I got all the little guns that each of them have, but after 25+ years I can’t remember which gun goes to who so I didn’t bother.
Combined as the fearsome Devastator. They still hold up pretty well after all this time. Granted, it wasn’t that good to begin with since it’s KO, but after 25+ years this set feels about the same connection wise. Some attachments actually felt tighter than I remembered. KO Devastator is all colorful, kinda like movie Devastator.
Below is KO Devastator next to a genuine Diaclone Slag.
As a kid I treasured this set even though I knew they were KO. Nowadays I keep these around for a good laugh.
Transform and Roll Out!