My Grimlock Collection, Robot Mode
Last week I made a post assembling all my Grimlocks in one collection pic. That featured all figures in their alt modes. As promised, I have since transformed them all to robots and here they are today. In G1, the Dinobot leader spent most of his time as a T-Rex. But as a robot he looks equally impressive.
From left to right: Alternator, Titanium, Masterpiece, Generations Fall of Cybertron, Classic, Animated
Sorry for the crappy pic. I should have known better than to take pics with my phone. I would have re-taken it with a real camera, but I already put away some of the Grimlocks here. This pic will have to do. Grimlock is not one to smile for the cameras anyway.
In robot form, some of these toys start to show their weakness. I’m not particularly impressed with the robot modes of the Alternator and Classic figures. It’s funny, I found no issue when these figs were released. It’s no accident that these 2 are the oldest figures here. I guess things just keep getting better, and I’m getting spoiled by what the toys are capable of today. The arms on the Titanium figure are way too skinny. And as for Animated Grimlock, the arms seem too long and the legs seem too short. MP and FOC have perfect robot modes, IMO. But like I mentioned in the alt mode collection post, FOC Grimlock’s dino mode is so-so at best. This only leaves MP as the perfect Grimlock. And rightfully so, considering the MP label and the price tag.
Go Grimlock! Transform and Roll Out.