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June 19th, 2013

Finally! Seibertron is posting pics of G1 Technobots. Go here to check it out. They are my favorite Autobot combiner group from G1. I can hear what you’re saying now: “You crazy? What about the Aerialbots?!” Yes they are probably the obvious choice for most, but I’m partial to toys that I own. In G1 I completed my Technobot collection. So there.

Check out my pics below. They are nowhere near the quality of Seibertron pics. But it’s proof I own them. I know the pics don’t show it, but I do have all their accessories. Next to my Combaticons, the Technobots are the pride and joy of my G1 combiner collection. And unlike my Combaticons, these guys are still in pretty good shape.

Clockwise from top left: Scattershot, Nosecone, Strafe, Afterburner, Lightspeed


Rumor has it that a third party (ex: FansProject, MakeToys, TFC Toys) is currently making plans to do a Technobot homage team, much like Hercules or Giant. I can’t wait! If it turns out anything like the current 3rd party combiners, I will be buying.

Technobots… Transform and Roll Out!

Teletraan I Communiques

Categories: Pics
  1. June 21st, 2013 at 15:58 | #1

    Great pics! Computron is by far the best of the Autobot combiners.

    • June 22nd, 2013 at 18:14 | #2

      I’m glad you think so too! I can’t wait to see what the 3rd party homage of the Technobots would look like.

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