
Posts Tagged ‘Rattrap’

Transformers On My Shelf, August 2015

August 4th, 2015 Comments off

It’s been a while since I did a post about what’s on my shelf. So I’m doing one today.

Same pic, different angle.

From left to right

Top shelf: Mastermind Creations Feral Rex (comprised of Leo Dux, Tigris, Talon, Fortis, Bovis), MakeToys Giant (comprised of Mobile Crane, Dump Truck, Excavator, Bulldozer, Wheel Loader, Mixer), Combiner Wars Menasor (comprised of Motormaster, Drag Strip, Dead End, Breakdown, Wildrider, and using Perfect Effect – PC-02 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Set – Purple Version)

Middle shelf: Fall of Cybertron Kickback, Thrilling 30 Waspinator, Combiner Wars Armada Megatron, Combiner Wars Megatron, Thrilling 30 Blitzwing

Lower shelf: Thrilling 30 Rhinox, Thrilling 30 Rattrap, Mastermind Creations Felisaber

I especially like the three gestalts on the top shelf. Feral Rex and Giant have been featured elsewhere before in this blog so I won’t go into detail again. Combiner Wars Menasor is Hasbro’s official update of the Stunticons in combined form. Compared to Fans Project’s Intimidator, Menasor has it’s pros and cons. Individually I like the Hasbro figures better. They are larger, sturdier, easier to transform, and more fun to play with. However in combined form, FP has the better looking Menasor. Intimidator also stays together better than Combiner Wars Menasor, as the Hasbro figure feels like it could quickly fall apart. However I should point out that the Hasbro figures feel more like a true combiner. The leg components are not simply adding on top of Motormaster’s legs, like in FP’s offering.

Poor Rattrap and Rhinox. They are the only good guys here. Technically they are not Autobots, so I don’t have a single Autobot in this post. Decepticons forever!

Transform and Roll Out.

Categories: Pics

Transformers Purchased in September 2014

May 27th, 2015 Comments off

Things cool down a bit in September of 2014. Only 3 TFs this month.

  • Generations Thrilling 30 Rattrap, Target, $14.24

  • Mastermind Creations Leo Dux,, $109.99

  • Mastermind Creations Tigris,, $79.95

I think for the first time ever, all my purchases in a single month are figures where the alt modes are animals. Reminds me of the G1 episode “Call of the Primitives”.

Rattrap was a nice find. His release was 4 or 5 months before this, and at the time he was quite rare. As a fan favorite he’s snatched up quick. So of course online dealers spared no effort jacking up the price, sometimes at well over $40. I first saw this Rattrap figure at BotCon, back in June of 2014. Price dropped a bit by then, but at the con he was still about $25 at the cheapest. I like Rattrap, but I don’t like him enough that I want to pay any markup for this figure. So I was quite pleased when I found him in store this month. The figure itself is not too shabby. As of this writing, I only transformed him once from robot to rat. I remember the transformation was somewhat complicated. I need to spend some more time with this figure.

Leo Dux (Razorclaw) and Tigris (Rampage) from Mastermind Creations round out the rest of the figs this month. These are the last two needed to form Feral Rex (Predaking). Now that I have all 5 Feral Cons (Predacons), I think my favorite is Tigris. I feel he is the most fun to play with, and I really like both his modes. He’s also got some cool accessories. Leo Dux is cool too. Robot mode is especially nice, but the lion mode feels somewhat bulky.

Primitives… answer the call! Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics