When people say March, I think March Madness. It is my favorite time of year as far as sports go. The NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship has my full attention once it gets going. Especially when UCLA does well. But even when my alma mater makes a surprisingly early exit (like this year) or fail to make the tournament altogether (like last year), I still follow it closely to see how well my bracket does in the office pool, or whatever other pools I happen to participate.
As for Transformers, there was a madness this March as well. I didn’t think I was going to get this many TFs this month. In fact, I was kind of counting on a TF drought. So it was a total shock when I added up all the March figures when the end of the month was coming. Ever since I started tracking my purchases every month, this was the 3rd most action packed month, behind only February 2012 and October 2012. I was fairly busy this month too, which makes me wonder when I even had the time to hunt for these TFs. But whatever. Feast your optic sensors on the Transformers below.

- Generations Fall of Cybertron Blaster and Steeljaw, Walmart, $22.96

- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Smokescreen, Walmart, $15.47
- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Bulkhead, Walmart, $15.47

- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Starscream, Target, $15.99
- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Ripclaw, Walmart, $12.97

- Generations Fall of Cybertron Eject and Ramhorn, Target, $9.99
- Generations Fall of Cybertron Rewind and Sunder, Target, $9.99

- Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Trailcutter, Target, $8.99
- Transformers Prime RID Rumble, Ross, $5.99

- Transformers Prime Arms Micron Jet Vehicon General, amiami.com, about $23 shipped

- FansProject Car Crash, bbts.com, $59.99
- FansProject T-Bone, bbts.com, $59.99

- Year of the Snake Fall of Cybertron Omega Supreme, bbts.com, $99.99
As you can see, that’s a lot of TFs! Especially since I wasn’t expecting all that much. 7 figures came out of Fall of Cybertron, 7 figures from TF Prime, and 2 independents from FansProject. That makes a total of 16. Certainly a busy month to say the least.
Problem with buying so many TFs in one month is that you just don’t have time to process all of them. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but recently I have become backlogged in opening my Transformers. I’m almost wishing for a TF drought, so I would have the time to properly give each figure the time that it deserves.
As of this writing, I have only opened 4 figures of the 16: Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Car Crash, and T-Bone. I’ll open the rest sooner or later, preferably sooner.
I highly recommend Smokescreen. Bulkhead is ok. Buy him if you got the money to spare, but if you’re on a tight budget then you may want to reconsider.
Car Crash and T-Bone are both smaller than I expected. Early reports of these latest FansProject offerings is that they’re somewhere between scout and deluxe size. They were right. In robot mode they are exactly between these 2 sizes, and in car mode they’re barely bigger than scout. So at $59.99 each, I don’t think they are good value. Also, transformation from robot to car is kind of a pain in the boron compressor. They’re not complex figures, but getting all the tabs to line up to connect takes some effort. They are not figures that I can transform fast for that reason. Still, the figures do look good. They are well articulated and well built. I’ll reserve final thoughts about them after I see the combined Menasor mode.
The only repeat purchase here is RID Rumble. I know I said no more doubles, but I got him purely for the extra pile drivers that I will put on AM Rumble. Besides, he’s so cheap at $5.99. Yes I broke the rule. Sue me.
Year of the Snake FOC Omega Supreme is huge! This is Omega done right! I look forward to some quality time with this piece.
So that’s it for March. There’s a lot more that I wanna talk about, but I think I need to go open these TFs first. Til then, let the March Madness continue. Transform and Roll Out!