Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Jazz Found
At lunch today I went to TRU. I made my way to the TF aisle like I usually do, and was surprised to see a whole bunch of people crowding the space. I saw some guys hovered over a specific section of rack space, and so I look in that direction. To my surprise, I see that TRU already has Fall of Cybertron figures!
I knew these figures were coming since there are tons of reviews on YouTube already. Not to mention that many online dealers have them in stock. I just didn’t expect my TRU to have them so soon. I visited TRU to find TF Prime figures, but was pleasantly surprised to see FOC figs nonetheless.
However, my concern was realized when I saw that there is not a single Shockwave on the racks! Out of the 3 Wave 1 FOC figs, Shockwave is the most sought after. My feeling is this is the figure that will be very difficult to find, similar to TF Prime Vehicon (which to this day I still have not found).
I made a comment on Pax Cybertron about my concern for Shockwave. And so, last night I made a order at TFSource for all 3 of the Wave 1 FOC figures. Set for all 3 is $47.95. That comes to about $16 per fig. TRU has each of these at $14.99. After taxes, it will be more than $16 per fig (CA state tax is pretty painful). So by buying from TFSource, I’m actually getting a better deal (no taxes and free ship). But the real reason I made the order was to lock in Shockwave. I knew he would be hard to find, and so far that seems to be the case.
Anyway, I left Prime and Jazz on the racks. The 3 FOC Wave 1 figs are part of my current stack at TFSource, along with TF Prime Voyager Breakdown and the green Giant set. As soon as Giant comes in, I will get them all! Can’t wait!
And as for the other dudes that were in the aisle, none of them bought anything. Some commented on the high price tag. Some were probably just looking for Shockwave. Some of the other individuals there, like moms and kids, were probably just there by accident and not looking for FOC. It was just weird that so many people were at that aisle at the time.
The Fall of Cybertron has begun! Transform and Roll Out!
I already have Prime, waiting on a Wave 1 Case to arrive from BBTS with Shockwave in it….seems like the only way I’ll be able to get Shockwave.
I wonder if the FOC Optimus Prime might be a pegwarmer same with Jazz after all the Shockwaves that manage to get onto the pegs are left. Jazz looks interesting, Prime is so far an Ok Figure.
I just have a feeling that once the new stuff sells out at places the remaining pegwarmers [Prime Bumblebee] might be all that’s left.
Ah, okay, so you did order the set. Its worth while. I haven’t cracked open my Shockwave yet, but he looks amazing, and its well worth it to ensure you get one in your collection! Rborg42, I can see Prime being the peg warmer of the set. A lot of people are upset on his size. However, after toying around with mine, I really REALLY do like him a lot!
Ordering them online is definitely the way to go. I think the last figures I bought in the stores were Generations Jazz and Tracks and it was only by pure luck that I found them.
rborg42, I think you may be right about Prime being a pegwarmer. My friend Gemini and I call them shelfwarmers, lol. Though WFC Prime is worth a lot these days, that I regret only buying 1. I wonder if FOC Prime will become the same… if so I may buy more when they do become pegwarmers…
aptkane, I was getting kinda freaked out about not finding Shockwave so I made the order. Glad I did! TRU obviously didn’t have any. I’m glad you like Prime tho. I’m looking forward to all 3 figs.
arkvander, I usually buy in stores and up til recently I managed to find everything. But you’re right, recently it’s hit and miss (more miss). I lock them in online so I can rest easy, lol.
Good thing I got the set for $47.99 at BBTS which is my preferred store now these days, got my set in today.
Going to have to unbox Shockwave for sure, Finding that buying Sets online just is the best way to go. Right now I’m fiddling around with FOC Optimus he has good poseability but just seems well…not that Prime.
War for Cybertron Prime feels like it’s a better figure than this one…
I buy from BBTS as well. I spread the love between BBTS and TFS, depending on where I got a pile/stack already going, or just general availability of things. For large orders I used to go with BBTS, because they offer cheaper shipping and they have their Pile of Loot. But now that TFS will do free ship for $150, and the new Order Stacking, that kinda tip the scales in their favor.
So FOC Optimus is “not that Prime”?! lol. Guess I’ll find out when I get mine.
Well he’s got great pose-ability, that much is certain and he’s growing on me I opened Shockwave last night and he looks great, I’ll have to get him Reviewed soon.
Just love BBTS for their deals, sometimes addictive deals, so addictive I’ve had to put their site in my block list for a while so I don’t get too tempted.