
Posts Tagged ‘Cosmos’

Happy St Patrick’s Day 2024! Keen in Green Transformers!

March 17th, 2024 Comments off

After a 18+ month blogging hiatus, I am back! My last real entry in this blog was this one, dated around August of 2022. I didn’t think I would be away for this long. I am still very actively collecting TFs. But other responsibilities in life, both personal and professional, has kept me away from TFMatrix. But no more! I am picking up right where I left off, and I will continue to share what I’ve been doing as a TransFan with renewed vigor!

In a well-honored tradition of TFMatrix, I like to do special posts about my green Transformers on St Patrick’s Day. And I always feature green TFs that I have never featured before. So without further ado, for 2024, feast your optics on these green figures!

Green TFs 2024

Quick bits about each figure:

  • Masterpiece Hoist – This is the most expensive figure in this group. Hoist needs no introduction, and HasTak finally got around to re-molding MP Trailbreaker into MP Hoist. This figure is solid, and he looks good in both robot and alt modes. There is one part with the shoulder transformation that’s a bit scary, like it could easily be broken. But overall, Hoist is well-engineered and a lot of fun. I had Artifex, a 3P MP-style Hoist by MMC (Mastermind Creations). Artifex is horrible, and I sold it years ago (for a profit no less). MP Hoist is the one you need in your collection.
  • Legacy Evolution Armada Megatron – This is the largest figure in this group (if you count his shoulder protrusions). And he’s the easiest one to transform. Armada Megatron in the Legacy Evolution line is a figure you can easily pick up and play, which is not a bad thing in my book. This is a solid figure with a straightforward transformation. I don’t know much about Armada, as that came around during my TF Hiatus. The only other Armada Megatron I own was released back in Combiner Wars. I don’t recall that figure too well, but I should dig it out one of these days and compare it to the Legacy Evolution version.
  • Legacy Road Hauler – Road Hauler is a repaint of War for Cybertron Earthrise Grapple. So if you are familiar with that figure, you already know what you’re getting with Road Hauler. A few notable points make Road Hauler worthy of inclusion in your collection. First, I love this lime green. It really pops on this figure, and reminds me of the color of Constructicons. Second, I love that face! He seriously looks like he’s screaming for dear life, as if he’s aboard that doomed shuttle with Ironhide and Prowl in the 86 movie. And finally, Road Hauler may be a tribute to Hauler, a yellow crane vehicle we see in the very first ep of G1 Transformers. When Hound was shot by Laserbeak and fell into a ravine, we see some Autobots come to his rescue later. Cliffjumper looks up to a crane and says, “Hauler, pull him up!” Fans have theorized who exactly is Hauler over the years. Some suggest that Hauler is really Grapple, some thinks Hauler is some kind of drone, while others claim it’s another Autobot. If you subscribe to that last theory, then Road Hauler may be the figure you have long wanted.
  • Legacy Cosmos – Legacy Cosmos is perhaps the most sought-after figure in this group. He was released as a Walmart exclusive, in a limited sub-line under Legacy called Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection. Cosmos was the most recognizable G1 character in the collection, and the only figure who had a new mold (the rest were repaints, Road Hauler being one of them). So needless to say, fans and scalpers snatched him up quick. I never saw Cosmos in store. Luckily, my friend Gemini was able to track one down for me at the Walmart near him. Legacy Cosmos is a terrific figure. He has a fun transformation, and both modes look toon accurate. Engineering and tolerances are above par. Scales nicely with other CHUG figures. Legacy Cosmos is going anywhere from $70 to $150 these days. If you missed out, don’t despair. A re-release of Cosmos with some minor paint app differences is coming soon. Wait for that figure instead.
  • Legacy Prime Bulkhead – The last figure in this group is Bulkhead from TF Prime, released in the Legacy line. As a figure, Legacy Bulkhead is not bad. He is well-built and both modes look good. The overall transformation scheme is tried and true, but there are bits in the implementation that’s both refreshing and unusual. I will admit that there’s always something about this transformation that stumps me if I haven’t handled the figure in a while. Also, I don’t find this Bulkhead to be too screen accurate. He had a very different alt mode in the show, and in robot mode he looks way too blocky. Still, the figure is solid. Not a must-have by any means, though.

Links to previous St Patrick’s Day posts.

I can’t talk about St Patrick’s Day without mentioning March Madness. My school, UCLA, has a very dim chance of being selected to the field of 64. But even if they don’t, I’m still gonna try to watch as many games as I can.

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone! Transform and Roll Out!


Categories: Pics

Masterpiece Optimus Prime and Autobots, Team 5

August 27th, 2020 Comments off

MP Optimus is back with another team of trusted Autobots to lay waste to some undisciplined Decepticons up to no good.

This is Team 5. Here were the previous teams: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4.

With the exception of MP-10 Optimus, all figures here are 3rd party and purchased within the last year. This really shows how far 3rd parties have come.

Fans Toys got 2 representatives here in Hunk and Sheridan. Hunk is a great figure, possibly the best MP Brawn on the market today. Both modes look toon accurate. Transformation to car mode can be a tad frustrating in the final steps. I have yet to transform Sheridan, but he definitely looks good in robot mode.

X-Transbots have undoubtedly improved their status as a 3rd party company of transforming figures in recent years. I’m generally very impressed with their offerings, and I got 3 here to prove it. I chose Neptune after looking through many choices in 3P MPs of Seaspray. He is in my opinion the best MP Seaspray on the market, in terms of cartoon accuracy and figure engineering. (Sidebar: the upcoming Spindrift 2.0 by Fans Toys may change that, but only time will tell.) Klaatu was also chosen among many 3P MP offerings of Cosmos. He looks the most toon accurate in both modes. I went with the metallic version, and I’m oh so glad I did. The picture here does not do this paint job justice, it has to be seen to be fully appreciated. Klaatu is a bit chunky in bot form, and he does present a bit of scale issues with other Mini-bots.

X-Transbots Aegis stars as MP Trailbreaker. In G1, Trailbreaker was my very first Carbot, so I’m extremely partial to Trailbreaker. He was the last Carbot to get any love in CHUG, something that I wasn’t entirely happy about. And now he is the last Carbot to appear in my Autobot MP Teams. I feel kinda bad about that. But better late than never, and in this case I could almost say I saved the best for last. XT Aegis is better than all previous attempts at an MP Trailbreaker. I won’t go into what those are, but if you are in the market for a MP Trailbreaker, you need only consider Aegis.

Transform and Roll Out.

Categories: Pics

Happy St Patrick’s Day 2020! Green in Quarantine

March 17th, 2020 Comments off

Welcome to this special edition of another St Patrick’s Day celebration post. Here in the SF Bay Area, the coronavirus outbreak has forced local governments to implement a “Shelter in Place” order. It’s not a full lockdown, but pretty close. Details here. I’ve been ordered to work from home.

This is a St Patrick’s Day unlike any other. No one will be out. Bars are forced to close. But that won’t stop me from making another St Patrick’s Day post with my green Transformers. Seriously, I got nothing better to do at home in quarantine.

Back row, left to right: Masterpiece Acid Storm, Studio Series Brawl

Front row, left to right: X-Transbots Klaatu (Metallic version), Generations Thrilling 30 Acid Storm, WFC Siege Springer

I keep forgetting to include the 2 Acid Storm figures on previous St Patrick’s Day posts. The MP was purchased in 2013, and the Generations legend fig in 2015. They get to shine today.

Brawl is one of the better figs from the Movie SS line. If you dig movie figs, get this one.

War for Cybertron Siege Springer is the best Springer released by HasTak, probably even better than Generations Thrilling 30 Springer. He is now in mass retail as of this writing. Go get yours.

X-Transbots Klaatu is obviously a homage to Cosmos. This is a great figure! He is superbly constructed with tight ratchets. Figure looks screen accurate in both modes. And what an awesome paint job! I’m so glad I got the metallic version. If you want an MP Cosmos for your collection, get Klaatu.

Links to previous St Patrick’s Day posts.


We need Perceptor and Ratchet to give us a vaccine to COVID-19 stat!

Stay indoors and stay safe everyone. Wash your hands. Transform and Roll Out (well, don’t literally go out).

Categories: Pics

Transformers Purchased in December 2017

December 26th, 2018 Comments off

We are finally at the end of 2017. Long time coming, but better late than never.

Unlike last month, this month is all official Hasbro products. This month also sees the introduction of the new Hasbro Generations line: Power of the Primes!

  • Power of the Primes Jazz,, $15.00

  • Power of the Primes Dreadwind,, $15.00

  • Power of the Primes Windcharger, Walmart, $9.84

  • Power of the Primes Slash, Walmart, $9.84

  • Power of the Primes Beachcomber,, $12.00

  • Power of the Primes Starscream,, $24.99

  • Titans Return Cosmos, Target, $5.14

  • Titans Return Shuffler, Target, $2.48

Power of the Primes is the 3rd arc in the Prime Wars Trilogy, the first 2 being Combiner Wars and Titans Return. This is the current line in the universe of what fans label CHUG (Classics, Henkei, Universe, Generations). I sort of went into the timeline history of Power of the Primes back in this post for the Terrorcons. Anyway, the first Power of the Primes figures appeared this month. I also first previewed Power of the Primes figures back in this post. Now that I have them, how does each of them fare? Here are my grades:


  • Beachcomber – Nice homage to G1 Beachcomber. Fun transformation with good robot and alt modes. Solid construction and nice paint job.
  • Windcharger – This figure is better than Combiner Wars Windcharger. It’s more G1 accurate.
    I like this as much as Reveal the Shield Windcharger.
  • Slash – Good little Dino. Slash was not part of the original 5 G1 Dinobots, but I like that they took a Movie-verse character and made him in G1 style. Since he’s a raptor, a legend size figure makes sense. The toy is well built and has a fun transformation. Both modes are solid.

Not Recommended:

  • Jazz – PotP Jazz is disappointing. Decent robot and alt modes, but nothing spectacular here. Transformation is derivative and lackluster. The panels behind the fists in robot mode really bug me. Construction is poor with some loose joints in robot mode and some REALLY bad connections in combined mode. As a limb Jazz does not connect well to both CW body components and the fist/feet add-on piece.
  • Dreadwind – This is yet another re-work of old figures. He has some new mold bits, but nothing that hides the overall motif of the CW Aerialbot. He does combine with Blackwing (to be released later) in alt mode, but the combined super jet seems forced and tacked-on. As a limb, the connections are poor too.
  • Starscream – Weird body proportions in robot mode, and way too bulky in jet mode. Decent as a body component for a combiner. This mold is really meant for Elita-One (to be released later). Get that figure instead.

I did not open Cosmos and Shuffler. I bought these two only because they were half off. I have Generations Thrilling 30 Comsos, which is the exact same thing with minor paint app differences. See this post for in-depth comparison. I imagine Shuffler is not terribly different from the many Titan Masters out there. There was a G1 Shuffler, in Japan only and supposedly super rare. I know nothing about Shuffler the character.

Some group pics of the opened TFs this month.

This is the last of my purchase posts for 2017. Time to move onto 2018. Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics

Transformers Purchased in November 2014

November 21st, 2015 Comments off

It seems like forever since I wrote any entries in this blog. Finding the time to do so has been extremely difficult. Today I took the day off from work to take care of some personal business, which turned out to be faster than expected. This left we with some extra time that I’ll devote to my TF blog.

Here are the purchases for November of 2014.

  • Generations Thrilling 30 Cosmos and Payload, Target, $9.49

  • Age of Extinction Snarl, Target, $14.24

  • Age of Extinction Hot Shot, Target, $14.24

  • Fall of Cybertron Air Raid,, $17.80

  • Masterpiece Wheeljack,, $49.10

Cosmos is a figure I wanted for some time now. Back around either 2009 or 2010, Hasbro made some legend size figures as remakes of G1 Minibots in the Classic 2.0 lineup. I managed to find them all, except for Cosmos. He was the rarest one of the bunch, and scalpers wasted no time jacking up his price to around $50. No way I’m paying those prices for a tiny legend figure. So when I heard of this Cosmos, I had to get it. I never had the Classic 2.0 figure, but I’m willing to bet this Generations Cosmos is better in every way. The Generations figure is slightly larger, transformation is quite remarkable for a toy of this size, and he looks all around better than his Classic 2.0 counterpart in both modes. At around $10 he also comes with Mini-Con Payload. All in all a very nice deal for the price.

I believe this should be the last of the Age of Extinction figures in my collection. AoE figures as a whole is a sorry lot. Hot Shot is a testament to that sentiment. I was told repeatedly not to buy AoE Crosshairs. Hot Shot is a exact repaint of the mold, and now I know why. His robot mode is awful. There’s so much kibble hanging off the back it’s ridiculous. Even the slick car mode won’t save this atrocious figure. I bought Hot Shot because he reminds me so much of Tracks. I’m willing to bet that’s what Hasbro was counting on, and I fell for it head first. There are some bright spots in the AoE lineup (such as Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, Hound, and Drift), and Snarl is one of them. This is one of the better Dinobot figures out of AoE. I like the Dino mode, I like the robot mode, and transformation is fun. I don’t much care for the neon transparent green, but the mold itself is well engineered. There’s probably some kind of convention exclusive out there that has this figure repainted in G1 colors. That would make this fig even better.

I have written about this Japanese Air Raid, nearly a year ago. I can’t believe I’m so behind on documenting the Transformers for every month. Anyways, this Air Raid was bought during Black Friday weekend of that year. The Japanese version is much more closer to G1 colors than the US version. And getting a Japanese deluxe size figure for only $17 is a steal, so getting this was a no-brainer. Though I will say that the construction of this figure doesn’t seem to be as sturdy as the US figure.

Last but not least, there is Masterpiece Wheeljack. This is a figure that deserves the Masterpiece label. Takara set the var very high when they released Masterpiece Sideswipe. I am completely satisfied with that figure. The 2nd mold they released was for Prowl/Streak/Smokescreen. That figure is nice too, though not as good as Sideswipe in my opinion. Wheeljack is the third mold in this series. Takara managed to capture all the things they did right with Sideswipe when they produced Wheeljack. Transformation is ingenious, and construction is solid. The alt mode is something Lancia felt very comfortable in putting their logo on, and the robot mode is G1 show accurate perfection. Great poseability and great playability. This piece is every bit as good as MP Sidewsipe. Do not call yourself a true TransFan if MP Wheeljack is missing from your collection.

More to come soon… Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: On The Hunt, Pics

Happy St Patrick’s Day 2015! More and More Green Transformers

March 17th, 2015 Comments off

Welcome to another edition of my St Patrick’s Day green Transformers! Last time I did one of these was back in 2013. There has been many green TFs since then, and I try to include every single green fig that I acquired in this time span. However, I don’t have the time to dig through them all. So for this posting I only grabbed what was handy, either currently on my shelf or easily reached into a box. Here are the lucky green figs for 2015.

Clockwise from top: MakeToys Giant, Generations Hoist, Age of Extinction Snarl, Generations Cosmos, Generations Legend Waspinator, Generations Deluxe Waspinator

I obviously missed some green TFs between 2013 and now. Some obvious ones that come to mind are Generations Springer and Age of Extinction Hound. I should have got them out too. I’ll include them next year for sure.

Happy St Patrick’s Day… Transform and Roll Out!

Categories: Pics