It is that time of year when the Razzie Awards recognize Hollywood for extreme suckage of epic proportions. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen gets the proud distinction of having nominations in 7 different categories of the prestigious award. They are:
- Worst Picture
- Worst Actress (Megan Fox)
- Worst Screen Couple (Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox or Shia LeBeouf and any TF)
- Worst Supporting Actress (Julie White as Mom)
- Worst Remake, Ripoff, or Sequel
- Worst Director (Michael Bay)
- Worst Screenplay
TF2: ROTF does face some steep competition for the honor of Worst Picture, including All About Steve, G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra, Land of the Lost, and Old Dogs.
Regardless of the outcome, 7 nominations is more than ample proof that Revenge of the Fallen belongs in the abyss of suck.
Go Michael Bay! I am behind you 100% to win! Transform and Roll Out!
November 11th, 2009

There are a whole lotta Transformers in the TF universe. To give them more personality and character, the creators of the show gave many of them interesting speech patterns. Some of them are very charming, while others are just plain annoying.
But you gotta figure that for a race with unlimited technological advances at their disposal, such as transformation, mass-shift, intergalactic travel, and space folding just to name a few, fixing speech patterns for the vocally unorthodox should be a simple matter. My guess is Transformers don’t value speech all that highly, or maybe some of them are simply too proud of their individuality.
Below I present my top 10 Transformers that could use a lesson in speech etiquette. I would love to hear any of these guys make a wedding toast.
10. Wheelie

Wheelie talks in a funny way.
Wheelie will annoy you every day.
Wheelie likes humping Megan Fox’s leg.
Wheelie rhymes ’cause Wheelie’s gay.
9. Wreck-Gar

Wreck-Gar and the Junkions learned how to talk by watching Earth’s TV. I guess it’s true that TV does turn brain to mush. Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong?
8. Blurr

Blur talks so fast and so much to hear what he is saying is abolutely positively definitely impossible and you try and try and try but he keeps talking and he talks non-stop and you try some more and you don’t give up until you get him but it’s just impossible impossible impossible.
7. Waspinator

Poor Waspinator. The only TF to come from Beast Wars on this list, Waspinator talks in a high-pitch voice, always refers to himself in the third person, and has silly aliases for everyone. He has a tendency to get himself blown up every episode, only to come back in the next episode (if not in the same episode) to get his big stripey butt kicked some more.
6. Seaspray

Someone fix Seaspray’s vocal generators stat. This guy sounds like he is constantly under water and his speech is filled with bubble or gurgling sounds. Sometimes I wonder how other Autobots understand him. However a mermaid did fall in love with him so I guess chicks dig it.
5. Warpath

Warpath is one over-caffeinated Autobot. He ends every sentence with a “wham”, “bam”, “zoom”, or “yeehaw”. Dude, chill.
4. Insecticons

The Insecticons must be around if you hear speech echoes. It sounds pretty cool at first, but after while they just start to bug (pun intended).
3. Omega Supreme

Words few. Talk unnecessary. Resolve unyielding. Firepower overwhelming. Personality boring.
2. Soundwave

The king of monotone speaking usually has little to say, but when he does, Deceptioncs usually listen. I like the way Soundwave talks, I can’t explain why. But it is ironic that the Decepticon communications officer, with an audio device as his alt mode no less, cannot speak in less robotic ways.
1. Grimlock

Me Grimlock no bozo. Me grimlock love Kup’s war stories. Me Grimlock no like you. Me Grimlock love saying me Grimlock. Me Grimlock number one on this stupid list. Me Grimlock King.
Me Grimlock say… Transform and Roll Out!