
Archive for June 20th, 2017

Before Carly 6

June 20th, 2017 Comments off

Welcome to another edition of Before Carly! It has been about two and a half years since the last installment, so here we go again with this long overdue episode of Before Carly 6! As usual, I will start with what I think was the official description given by Seibertron:

“Spike is quite the ladies man. He eventually married Carly, but she was not the only one to have fun in the backseat of Bumblebee.”

The fictitious name of each girl is made to sound like various characters in the TF universe, and each part of every name is based on real names I’ve seen. See how many TFs you can identify. Spike sure is lucky. How can he keep his mind on saving the Earth from routine Decepticon attacks while he has all these babes to keep him busy? We may never know the truth. What Spike did off camera will be a mystery for the ages.

Hover the mouse over each girl’s name to see the name of the TF. Make Spike proud! Impress all these babes with how much Transformers you know. Or not.

Enjoy the pics!

Riko Shay


Rowe D. Byrne


Skye Shade Oh
Sky Shadow


Astrid O. Train


Bree K. Down


Erica Torre


Hedy Strong


Goldie Bugg


Oak T. Eng


Tripti Khan


If you can’t get enough of Before Carly, here are links to the previous installments:
Before Carly
Before Carly 2
Before Carly 3
Before Carly 4
Before Carly 5

Everyone loves Before Carly! Transform and Roll Out!


Categories: Pics, Top Ten